A Tale of Zoom Choir

Mika Jain
3 min readMay 26, 2021

May 26, 2021 · 12pm PST

*Edit: For more information on our upcoming VOX Cabaret, head to voxfemina.org/tickets!

To take one step.

To take one step, takes courage.

In the past year, almost everything has changed. The way we socialize, make sense of what is happening in our communities and the world, and the way we create — everything has changed.

For musicians and ensembles, our “hobby” has been turned on its head: going from singing in a choir with 40 women to singing into Zoom hearing only myself…talk about a change in how I engage artistically in my craft.

Singing with VOX Femina Los Angeles during the pandemic has taught me so much. Here are a few takeaways I want to highlight:

1. There are different ways to engage & participate in virtual choir.

  • One of our singers had the challenging experience of getting the COVID-19 virus. While they took a few Tuesday rehearsals off and kept their camera off during the remaining rehearsals, this didn’t stop the singer from attending and participating through the chat, through “virtual reactions,” and more.
  • Small-group sectionals were essential at the beginning of the pandemic. Each section self-organized in groups to study the piece of music and go through trouble spots. As the “Alto 1 Section Leader” for a few months, I personally loved having time with a small group of singers. It emulated a “hallway chat” if you will.

2. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

  • As the saying goes, company culture — how your organization lives out its mission statement and engages with each other and the world — eats strategy for breakfast. At VOX, culture isn't only a reflection of how many ice breakers we have (although I do love an ice breaker!) It’s about how singers act in critical situations, how we manage the pressure of learning how to film and voice record, and how we treat one another.
  • Typically, I see leadership quotes like “A leader is one who knows the way and shows the way.” The reality is that Dr. Iris Levine didn’t know the walk of keeping a choir afloat during a global pandemic. How could she have? No one did. Yet, she translated her vision to us. She made virtual choir a reality. VOX Femina went above and beyond, creating a culture of optimism and resilience along the way.
One of our proudest moments of 2020: filming and producing The Suffrage Cantata under the leadership of Dr. Iris Levine, Helen Mendoza, and Chris Fox, to name a few!

3. Marketing matters.

  • VOX had such a fast-growing audience this year. I had the pleasure of managing VOX’s socials last fall while I was in-between full-time jobs, and may I say it was a BLAST. Representing an organization with a mission to create a world that affirms the worth and dignity of every person was such a pleasure.

I can’t wait to see all my fellow Voxxie’s in person soon.

Until then, love always.


Putting It Together fromSunday in the Park with George”

A vision’s just a vision if it’s only in your head
If no one gets to hear it, it’s as good as dead
It has to come to life
Bit by bit, putting it together
Piece by piece, only way to make a work of art
Every moment makes a contribution
Every little detail plays a part
Having just a vision’s no solution
Everything depends on execution
Putting it together, that’s what counts
Ounce by ounce, putting in together
Small amounts, adding up to make a work of art



Mika Jain

Education specialist committed to creating a mindful and equitable future–through our children. @mindup @teachforamerica @kipp